Energy Supply
Energy Supply
Along Those Lines: Lower Snake River Dams Deal Threatens Reliability in Northwest
Hear from NRECA's Louis Finkel and Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative's Bryan Case.
Energy Supply
Colo. Co-op Explores Community-Scale Microgrids for Blizzard-Prone Towns
Spurred by a ‘snowpocalypse’ cutting off a town, SMPA pursues community-scale microgrids.
Energy Supply
Matheson to Congress: Snake River Dams Are Vital to Power Supply in Northwest
Fifty-five co-ops in eight Western states rely on hydropower from the lower Snake River dams.
Energy Supply
Matheson: Reliable, Affordable Electricity Hinges on Rational Public Policy
“That’s an example of public policy going in the wrong direction.”
Energy Supply
Rayburn Electric Pursues Demand Response to Improve Grid Reliability
Rayburn Electric is adding value to demand response programs from home energy resources.
Energy Supply
Matheson Fox News Op-Ed: Our Broken Energy Policy Could Leave Americans in the Dark
Energy policy is threatening reliable, affordable electricity, Matheson says in new op-ed.
Energy Supply
NERC Long-Term Reliability Assessment Paints Grim Picture of America’s Energy Future
NERC's 2023 Long-Term Reliability Assessment paints another grim picture of our nation’s energy
Energy Supply
NRECA Blasts Secret Deal That Would Jeopardize the Lower Snake River Dams
“The proposed backroom deal is deeply alarming and would jeopardize reliable electricity.”
Energy Supply
Kentucky G&T CEO Calls for Reliability Assessment of EPA Power Plant Rule
“EPA’s proposal is unlawful and unworkable,” Kentucky G&T CEO tells FERC.