‘Well On Our Way’: Alabama Co-op Middle-Mile Network Celebrates First Customer
The Alabama Fiber Network is officially open for business.
Zero to 40,000: Arkansas Co-op Hits Broadband Milestone
“When the future asks for it, we're ready.”
End of Affordable Connectivity Program Will Hurt Broadband Deployment
April is the last month of full funding for a $14 billion affordable broadband program.
Legislative Conference Attendees Hit Capitol Hill With Messaging on Co-ops’ Top Policy Issues
Top issues for co-ops include the EPA power plant rule and funding for the New ERA program.
‘We Will Save Lives’: Electric Co-op Offers Free Wi-Fi to First Responders
“We are actually looking our members in the eyes and they're saying thank you for this.”
Matheson: Millions May Lose Broadband If Affordable Connectivity Program Ends
Affordable Connectivity Program to expire in April if additional funding isn't provided.
Q&A: Electric Co-ops’ Legislative and Regulatory Priorities for 2024
NRECA will advocate for co-ops on a wide range of issues, from broadband to supply chain.
Along Those Lines: Middle-Mile Muddle
Hear from NRECA's Katie Culleton as well as Steven Bandy, general manager of OzarksGo.
Matheson: Grant Rules Should Prioritize Quality Broadband for Rural Areas
When rural areas needed broadband, “the electric cooperative is the one that stepped up.”