Matheson: Trump’s ‘Swift Reset’ of Energy Policy Will Strengthen the Grid
Trump declared a “national energy emergency" as part of a flurry of executive orders.
Along Those Lines: An Inside Look at NRECA’s PowerXchange and TechAdvantage
Hear from Erin Pressley, NRECA's senior vice president for Education, Training and Events.
The Co-op Stories That Captured Your Attention in 2024
Our annual tally of the most-read stories shows that all eyes were on Hurricane Helene.
Along Those Lines: Inside the Palisades Nuclear Plant Recommissioning
Hear from Wolverine Power Cooperative's Eric Baker and Hoosier Energy's Donna Walker.
Along Those Lines: Helene and Milton—Two Co-op Leaders Share Their Hurricane Stories
Hear from two co-op CEOs on hurricane preparation, response and recovery.
Let There Be Fiber: Co-op Staffer Leads Volunteers to Connect Bible Camp
“Camp was a place where I learned volunteering is where I get the most joy.”
NERC: Extreme Winter Weather Could Cause Energy Shortfalls in Much of U.S.
Meeting winter power demand will be more challenging due to plant retirements, NERC said.
Along Those Lines: Federal Funding Accelerates Energy Innovation Among Co-ops
Learn how co-op are leveraging federal funding opportunities for energy innovation.
‘This Is an Unprecedented Situation’: Co-ops Pick Up the Pieces After Helene
What is destroyed in an instant can take days or weeks to repair.