Young ospreys in a nest fell from a platform-topped pole built by Vermont Electric Co-op. (Photo Courtesy: VEC)
A local wildlife rescue group takes care of the osprey nestlings while VEC works quickly to rebuild the nest and secure the platform for their safe return. (Photo Courtesy: VEC)
A VEC lineworker restores the ospreys’ nest onto a platform that now sports a new perching pole. (Photo Courtesy: VEC)
VEC’s Isaac Gillen watches from the ground as a lineworker puts finishing touches on the restored nest before the rescued young ospreys are returned to their home. (Photo Courtesy: VEC)
From the VEC cherry picker, Clara Winfield of the local wildlife rescue group carefully places the young ospreys back into their home roost atop a pole built by the co-op. (Photo Courtesy: VEC)
Osprey siblings are back in their nest near Lake Champlain within 18 hours of its fall to the ground, thanks to quick action of VEC and its members. (Photo Courtesy: VEC)
An osprey mother flies to her offspring soon after the young birds were returned by VEC and wildlife rescuers to the co-op-built nesting platform. (Photo Courtesy: VEC)