Greenhouse Gas
‘Whiskey, Neat’: Kentucky Co-ops to Power New Distillery With 100% Renewables
Kentucky co-ops plan to serve up renewable power to global bourbon-maker’s $130M distillery.
EPA to Replace Carbon Capture Rule for New Power Plants
Current carbon capture and storage technology is not yet affordable, so EPA has a new plan.
NRECA to EPA: Ensure Reliability, Affordability and Flexibility in Clean Power Plan Redo
As EPA ponders an effective replacement for its Clean Power Plan, NRECA provides solid direction.
NRECA, G&Ts Have Their Say on EPA’s Clean Power Plan Replacement
NRECA CEO Jim Matheson calls the ACE rule "the best path forward for electric co-ops."
Co-op Leaders React to EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Plan Replacement
Co-ops say they will serve reliable, affordable electricity no matter what replaces the CPP.
Clean Power Plan Replacement: How It Affects Co-ops
EPA unveils Affordable Clean Energy rule, the long-awaited replacement of the Clean Power Plan.
Are Zero Net Energy Buildings All They’re Cracked Up to Be?
A study co-commissioned by NRECA finds community solar offers more savings.
NRECA and Industry Groups: EVs Are Viable Tool to Meet Fuel Standards
NRECA to EPA: Electric vehicles play "important role in achieving energy and environment goals.”