Power Lines
A $1.6 Billion Boost for Rural Infrastructure From USDA
USDA: 7M rural residents, businesses to benefit from latest round of electric infrastructure loans
USDA to Invest Nearly $400 Million to Improve Rural Electric Service in 13 States
USDA loans to co-ops for electric improvements will benefit around 350,000 rural Americans.
USDA Loans to Improve Electric Service, Benefit Rural Economies
USDA loans to improve electric service for more than 1 million consumers in 14 states.
USDA Awards $309 Million in Loans for Electric Co-op Infrastructure
In the heart of co-op country, USDA awards $309 million in loans for power lines, smart grid and o
Missouri, Tennessee Pass Easement Laws Helpful to Rural Broadband
Electric co-ops pursuing broadband internet access turn to grassroots for easement help.
Co-ops Have Say Before Senate Committee
What were the key takeaways from electric co-ops appearing before Congress?