Cooperative Development
Cooperative Development
USDA to Invest Nearly $400 Million to Improve Rural Electric Service in 13 States
USDA loans to co-ops for electric improvements will benefit around 350,000 rural Americans.
Cooperative Development
USDA Loans to Improve Electric Service, Benefit Rural Economies
USDA loans to improve electric service for more than 1 million consumers in 14 states.
Cooperative Development
Bats Gain New Summer Roosts in Converted Utility Poles
It may sound batty, but cast-off utility poles and artificial tree bark may help these tiny winged
Cooperative Development
How One Co-op Is Helping Improve Wildlife Habitat in North Dakota
Trees are growing on North Dakota prairie with help from Basin Electric Power Cooperative.
Cooperative Development
USDA Awards $309 Million in Loans for Electric Co-op Infrastructure
In the heart of co-op country, USDA awards $309 million in loans for power lines, smart grid and o
Cooperative Development
Missouri, Tennessee Pass Easement Laws Helpful to Rural Broadband
Electric co-ops pursuing broadband internet access turn to grassroots for easement help.
Cooperative Development
Concern for Global Community
At NRECA International Luncheon, co-op CEO describes efforts to bring power to Guatemalan villages
Cooperative Development
Co-ops, LBJ and the Vietnam War
New book recounts LBJ’s bid for rural electrification to win “hearts and minds” in South Vie
Cooperative Development
From South Africa to Wisconsin to Learn the Co-op Way
How the expertise of a Wisconsin co-op could help bring electricity to Africa.
Cooperative Development
A Camp with Capital Credits
As campers learn about the co-op way, NRECA International benefits.